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Showing posts from May, 2017

Everyone has got their own storms

People always try to "make the world a better place to live" Well, guess what folks! It's not getting any better. It's only getting worse. Owing to the behaviour of people and mental trauma that almost every person is facing & is avoiding to talk about. It's only causing an unrest. Everyone has got their own storms. And this storm is the main problem. Oh, you don't agree! Ask yourself. Even you have problems and situations you don't want to face because you are just too afraid of it. And you are not ready to do anything about it. It's just easy for you to give up because then you don't have to face anything. So much simpler isn't it! If you have a problem, Don't face it! Problem solved. But let me tell you something. You are not just affecting yourself by not facing it. You are being a trouble to others too. You are like cancer for Happy and Well people. Who are ready to live with what they have; satisfied with their things and con