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Showing posts from December, 2017

Wavering Mind

There is a reason why we call the thing inside our skull, as Mind. Because as the word suggests, it is under control. That’s the actual difference between a mind and a brain. A brain is not controlled, not streamlined, wild, though full of ideas and imaginations, but also with conflicting issues. It is like an untamed horse. It runs where it wants, when it wants, with who it wants. And as the world around us suggests, one should always stay in control. That’s why we train our brains to be under control. How? Well it has the very clichéd answer. Through education. With years and years of education and training we TRY to control the one thing that possesses a great power. Some succeed and some don’t. But what if the same process which is used to tame the wild horse becomes the reason for it to become more wild? What to do then? In the current scenario, according to many wise men, we are in a race. A race to reach our destinations. To achieve our goals. To fulfil our dreams. Educat