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Faith can move Mountains

People follow what they are told from the beginning.
With all the faith.
And consider it the universal truth.
A truly waste of faith, when they can put the same faith in themselves and become better at something.
Human mind has the capability to question things and to have things reasoned out.
Its that question which has led to creation of Buddhism. Its not that I am praising any religion or certain community as what I write can not be fortified by any religion.
Its just that I admire the true potential of mind used for it.
Also I don't portray the idea of loosing one's belief in something.
Just questioning it. Redirecting if necessary.

Quoting Mr.William Walker Atkinson from his book, "Faith Power or Your Inspirational Forces"
Faith, if directed toward evil and feared things, operates with as much force as if directed toward good and desired things.

Question things. Their existence. What it contains. Whether or not it deserves your faith.
As it is very well said,
Faith can move Mountains.



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