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Meeting Inspiration

Human beings.
We are social animals.
And by that, I don't wish to take the discussion to idealistic direction like our well-known orator Simon Sinek, but rather a different place.
Being in a social environment gives us the opportunity to interact with many people. Some of them being different and astonishing.
And communicating with other social beings may sometimes inspire us in various ways (well at least those who seek inspiration or are able to see the same in anything).

It was until recently that I met someone and realized the above.
I was visiting my friend one day at his college.
I was happy to see him after 4 years. We chatted and then planned to roam around the city a little. It was then when we stumbled upon this short roadside event. It was a group of people/students who were performing a play. It's called Nukkad-Natak locally.
I and my friend were just enjoying the funny play. But there he was, the third guy, a friend of my friend, who sat quietly during the whole thing. Not even laughing. Because he was not looking at that play to just enjoy. He was more onto the message it was conveying.

It was then that I started interacting with him, after the play of course.
He studied at a renowned university of India. IIT BHU.
He was a student of mechanical engineering and yet he had great knowledge of Machine Learning and also Data Analytics. Something one can not expect from a mechanical engineer.
Not only that. He was event manager in various fests and surprisingly enough he was socially active too. Not to mention he had also been the student body president.

Impressed as hell I was.
And not only impressed, but also amazed and inspired from all he was and what all he managed in a short timespan.
Thinking of him inspires me.
It can inspire everyone. We all come from no-where, to be somewhere. And if this guy can, then so can we.

Be inspired. Believe in yourself. Push yourself to your boundaries.
Limits only exist in mind.


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