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Few generation before land used to be synonymous with power.
The more the land a person possessed, the more powerful he was.  Because the land could be put to many uses. Agriculture, shelter, and what not!
And those were the days of barter system.
People would rent their lands for various uses.
But times have changed since then. Times have changed. Education has changed it. The flow of knowledge today has never been like this in the past. It has shaped the world around us. The key to success and enlightenment in theses days is education. There has been enormous growth and development due to it. It has provided mankind with various occupations and a whole new lifestyle.
Humankind has more comfort and a better understanding of things. This is a different Era.
But even in times like this, there are many for whom education is an unaffordable luxury.
The world's poor. They don't have enough money to get into proper institutions. And it's not their fault. Education has been commercialized. Gone are the days when Guru's tutored children in the Ashrams(kind of residential schooling of today). And we are obviously past those days. But the point is to educate the masses. Spreading the knowledge for a better future of our race.
Gone are the days of kings and kingdoms. The slaves they captured in the wars. But the war has not ended. Only the enemy has changed.
The real war is against poverty, lack of education, irrational beliefs that are holding various societies from the light of the new Sun.
And many are slaves to the darkness. They can be freed by the radical thoughts and plans by the riches. It's the only way for the growth of humanity in the right direction.
And "Until Each Man is Free we ALL ARE SLAVES"


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