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The Watch

Funny how we attach things to sentiments. Or is it the other way around? I can’t really say. If there is something I can say it’s that whenever he looks at the watch on his wrist, which has been guiding him for 5 years, all he can remember is, and I quote, “In order to be successful and to stand out, always think two steps ahead. Plan your next move.” The invaluable advice given to him while putting it on his left wrist before he was leaving for college. Well, leaving home for the first time in particular. It’s not just a watch to him now. It’s an emotion. A statement of pride, faith and love, given to him by his father. And he wears it like a badge of honour.

People often have an inclination towards materialism. The expensive apparels, the costly gadgets and other shiny objects whose inherent luminescence blinds them. Left with the grey visions, the sparkles of the world engulf their lives with the blues of desire.

It shivers him to the spine, that someday it will get over him, and he will be chasing a poor excuse for a life, just like the others. He doesn’t want to go that way.

Afraid, he may get lost in the Glimmers, the world of men has to offer. For he comes from the land of virtues, whose soil is watered with trickles of rich values and manured with warm love.

He was taught not to collect gifts, but the love that comes with it. He learnt not to weigh the price tags, but the time and effort put behind the wrappings.
He’d rather keep an old-world clock that reminds him of an invaluable friendship whenever its alarm goes off than keeping a stone embedded wall clock that only shows him his fleeting time.
He’d rather be in endless meaningful conversations with his childhood friend over a beer, than in a motivational guest lecture on scoring success, whilst controlling the loo.
He’d rather spend his evenings in arms of his lover, than spending extra hours at the workplace, in the company of empty chairs.
He’d rather have things that reflect the life he spent than have things that he spent his life chasing.
He’d rather be on his last bed, surrounded by people he loves, than those in suits with the paperwork.
He’d rather have this watch, than all the wealth in the world. For no currency can bring him, the thing on his wrist can.

*       *       *

~ To my Father and my friends ~


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