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Last of Thrones

Character Report in the last episode of GoT

As high and mighty a series can get, Game of Thrones has achieved the status of all time favourite of the masses. It also happens to be the only epic fantasy saga to ever be broadcasted. And for a show of this big stature, it’s ending season hasn’t been fulfilling. From various gathered ratings, the last season has hit rock bottom in the entire long run of the show. Not to mention, the story writer G. R. R. Martin himself has been unsatisfied with the ending of the show. With everyone unhappy in the frame, the makers have concluded the show with their view of the Westeros.
There is much to say about absurdity of the whole season, but the last episode has been an utter disappointment in the eyes of the viewers due to an unnatural end. With a critical look, here is a small analysis of a few characters in the last episode.

Jon Snow
The most loved, people’s champion and very upheld character of the series, has been jeopardised. The famous Jon Snow has been known to always differentiate the right from wrong and stick to the path of righteousness just for the sake of it. He has had a fate that no war hero deserves. The final episode shows him not just committing treason, but also as a cold murderer and doing the wrong thing. Under lac of choice, Jon Snow always choses not to give-in to the dark side, but here he contradicts everything that he stands for. He, of all the characters, is the only one who believes that, “There is no wrong way to do the right thing.” Nonetheless the makers decide that the character will kill the love of his life, by luring her in a trap disguised as love and sympathy, instead of moulding her on the right path. In a single thrust of dagger, he has killed his own character.

Brandon Stark
The Cripple of Winterfell, is chosen to rule the 6 kingdoms. Up until the seventh season, the boy who survived a fall, was being shaped as the three eyed raven; the memory of the living world; a Godly human that shall live for eternity. He does not know what will happen, but only what has happened. For someone who can only envision the past, Brandon Stark has replied to the offer for Kingship of Westeros as the reason that he came all the way from Winterfell to Kings-Landing. He of all the characters shall not be a ruling head, as he has different destiny to fulfil and other tasks to cater to. Tasks greater in depth to any human capability.

Arya Stark
The Hero of Winterfell has had one of the very disappointing run in the last two episodes. Arya Stark’s character had been built in various stages. From a small rebel, to a traded slave, to an apprentice of Man with no face, to the most dangerous assassin, to the Hero of Winterfell as she kills the Night King. And for someone with such strong build-up, it is not justifiable for her to struggle for life in the heist of Kings Landing. She could have been the one to kill the Targaryen queen. She could have had many other things, but a sufferer at this point of time does not do her justice.
(and in the end, why did she leave the Westeros and Winterfell anyway? She is not an explorer. What other purpose is there to serve?)

Night King
It’s right. He isn’t the one starring in the later episodes. But the source of the biggest evil force deserves a mention as he has been the one to receive an all time wrong fate. The biggest threat to living dies at the hands of Arya Stark in episode 3 of the last season, with such ease. It was as if someone won a battle with a snap of their fingers (you know what I mean). The greatest of enemies around who the story revolves in some sort, should have had a better conclusion than the one offered. The war should have been much intense and his end should have been much more big.
(Speaking of the War, where did all those Unsullied and Dothraki come from in the last episode? Weren’t most of them killed in The Great War?)

Daenerys Targaryen
Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, first of her name, the Unburnt, queen of Mereen, queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, breaker of chains, and mother of dragons.
She deserves an introduction so strong as she might be one of the few characters who have had justice done to them according to the story build up. From a petit girl, she has suffered and grew strong with time (thanks to her dragons). The character grew strong and mighty, and has had a mighty ending as well. The last season shows her mental state from growing strong to crippling under the burden of truth about being the rightful heir to the throne, loss of friend, loss of love from people of Andals, loss of dragons and a strong urge and lust for power. She successfully attains the title of Mad Queen. And a personality that strong and twisted, either tyranny or death is the only true ending.

Tyrion Lannister
Dragon Queen isn’t the only one to receive the justice at the hands of writers. As an honourable mention, the famous Lannister dwarf has also had a satisfactory fate. The Imp constantly fights the urge to betray the Queen and finally decides to boycott her. Unlike many others, Tyrion Lannister has had a very different run throughout the story.

While there may be many other things in the episode that leaves the viewers in agitated state of mind. With the end of Game of Thrones, the fan-base is anticipating the books to serve the justice owing to a different story line that G. R. R. Martin has in mind. Game of Thrones being such a hit, with no doubt the last of the books will see a very huge demand in the market as well.


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